One of my favorite products at Peacock Cards is tote bags. I've purchased many of them for both myself and family members. My grandson has several including a train tote bag and sports tote bag, and uses them when he comes to visit to carry his toys or clothing, uses them at home for storing toys and as a book bag when he visits the library. My daughter is a kindergarten teacher and we sometimes jokingly refer to her as the "bag lady" because she always seems to be lugging around school supplies, papers, and books, so the tote bags come in very handy for her. As for myself, I use them mostly as travel and overnight bags when I go out of town to carry extra things like my hair blower and extra shoes. I've seen them used as shopping bags which is a great idea as they are strong, roomy, and save on getting those plastic bags which really aren't good for the environment. They can be used as a way to make a statement such as "Love One Another" or "I Speak My Peace". As a gym bag, a bag to take to ballet lessons, book bag, school bag, shopping bag, overnight bag, storage bag, or birthday or holiday gift bag, they are a great way to show your unique personality. We have hundreds of tote bags, everything from bags for babies, kids, mom and dad to be, wedding party tote bags, teen tote bags, holiday tote bags, spa bags, beach bags, profession bags, USA patriotic and peace bags, and so much more! You can save on these beautiful tote bags for three days! We are dropping the price from $16.99 each to $14.99 for three days, October 27, 28, and 29! No limit to how many you can get at these prices. It's a great time to purchase bags for holiday gift giving or wedding tote bags for the girls in the bridal party! Lots of new styles too including monogram tote bags in several design styles, numerous holiday tote bags, and lots of new kids designs! Not only can you save $2 on each bag for this three days, you can use an additional coupon code and save even more!
DES139. expires 10-29
VOWELDIVING. expires 10-30