Friday, August 24, 2012

Rock Star Birthday Party

The little munchkin is five and starting kindergarten soon! For her fifth birthday this summer she celebrated with a rock star party. Held at a local pizza joint complete with a very cool light up dance floor with various color squares that changed colors to the beat of the music, the party was anything but quiet and tame. The kids had a blast singing into the plastic microphones they decorated before the music began to play and jumped around, danced, and just plain had a great time!
The decor consisted of decorated jars with glow sticks, old record albums, lots of glitz and feathers and stars, and of course, matching rock star tablecloths, napkins, cups, and plates. The birthday girl and her family dressed up as rock stars. There was plenty of star cupcakes and star shaped glittered birthday cake for everyone. Take home treat bags of blue, purple, and pink were decorated with guitars. And of course, the birthday invitations were our rock star girl birthday invitations!

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